CRAP Complexity Coverage Location
1.00 1 1/1 (100.00%) crap/complexity.service.ts (L117 - L142)
    private getEslint({ useJsx }: { useJsx: boolean }) {
        return new ESLint({
            useEslintrc: false,
             * Disable ESLint comments. This solves multiple problems:
             *  1. A disable comment on an unknown rule would cause an error, see
             *  2. A disable comment on the `complexity` rule would prevent us from detecting the complexity.
            allowInlineConfig: false,
            baseConfig: {
                plugins: ["crap"],
                parser: "@typescript-eslint/parser",
                parserOptions: {
                    ecmaFeatures: {
                        jsx: useJsx,
                rules: {
                    "crap/complexity": "error",
            plugins: {
                crap: crapPlugin,